Premier Vocational Experts LLC
PDI Silver Partner
Premier Vocational Experts LLC is a NJ-based firm with Vocational Consultants and Life Care
Planners in PA and NJ. We have a combined 30+ years’ experience, specializing in providing
Employability Evaluations (Vocational Assessments), Life Care Plan Assessments, Medical Cost
Projections, rebuttals, consultations, and expert witness testimony as vocational rehabilitation
counselors. Most services are available nationwide virtually and available in person upon
request. Expert Services by Specialty: Personal Injury, Negligence, Medical Malpractice,
Products Liability, Motor Vehicle, Premises Liability, Labor Law, Wrongful Death, Wrongful
Incarceration, Employment Law & Matrimonial Law. www.premiervocationalexperts.com.Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company
PDI Platinum Partner
Minnesota Lawyers Mutual (MLM) is one of the largest lawyers’ professional liability companies operating in Pennsylvania and the is endorsed professional liability carrier of PDI. Members of PDI have access to MLM’s Defense Program – offering a lawyers’ professional liability policy with preferred pricing and enhanced coverage.
MLM understands the challenges that law firms face every day because MLM was created by lawyers, is run by lawyers, and exclusively serves lawyers. Over the past 40 years, we have grown to be an industry leader by meeting the unique needs of solo practitioners and small to mid-size firms. For more information, contact Jody Campbell at jcampbell@mlmins.com or 215-872-8026.
Learn more about MLM’s Defense Program offer to PDI members at www.mlmins.com/insurance/defense-program
Exponent Engineering and Scientific Consulting.
PDI Gold Partner
Exponent’s team of scientists, engineers, physicians, and business consultants provides expertise in more than 90 disciplines to assist our clients in making sound strategic decisions.
Finley Consulting & Investigations, Inc.
PDI Gold Partner
Finley Consulting & Investigations, Inc. provides investigative services to attorneys and law firms throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
IME Care Center
PDI Gold Partner
The IME Care Center provides comprehensive & unbiased medical expert evaluations related to Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injuries, and Work-Related Injuries. Our team coordinates the entire process to provide you with a timely and professional independent analysis and documentation for your case.
The IME Care Center offers a growing list of board-certified physicians who perform Independent Medical Examinations, Depositions, Record Reviews, Functional Capacity Evaluations, Narrative Letters, and Utilization Reviews.
Providing Excellent, Efficient, Expertise
Please visit us online at www.IMECareCenter.com or call 884-633-3825.
Network Deposition Services
PDI Gold Partner
Network Deposition Services is a full service court reporting firm operating throughout the State of Pennsylvania.We specialize in innovative cost containment solutions for law firms, corporations, and government agencies.
PDI Gold Partner
SEA has a long history as an acknowledged leader in investigative engineering and forensic science. Since 1970, SEA has been a multidisciplinary, full-service and professional organization providing thorough research, analysis and testing.
ARCCA Incorporated
PDI Silver Partner
ARCCA is headquartered in Pennsylvania and provides expert forensic, scientific and engineering solutions to corporations, professional sports leagues, government agencies, law firms and insurance companies. We also have offices nationwide and can help with all phases of investigation: initial file review and triage, inspections and testing, report/affidavit/disclosure preparation, evidence preservation, and exhibit preparation.
Some of our specialty areas are Accident Reconstruction, Biomechanics, Transportation/Crashworthiness, Failure Analysis, Human Factors/Premises Liability, Fire/Explosion and Property Loss.
For 30+ years, clients have trusted ARCCA’s experts to analyze the facts and determine what really happened.
Please visit us online at www.arcca.com or call 800-700-4944.
CED Technologies, Inc.
PDI Silver Partner
Specializing in forensic engineering, accident reconstruction, expert witness services and engineering studies, CED Technologies, Inc. provides litigation support for some of the most well-known law firms, insurance companies and manufacturers nationwide. Since 1987, CED has grown to seven offices staffed with engineers possessing considerable investigation experience in various areas of expertise.
Consulting Engineers & Scientists, Inc.
PDI Silver Partner
Consulting Engineers & Scientists, Inc. is an experienced firm of forensic engineers, scientists, and other professionals providing investigation, evaluation, and expert testimony for over 50 years. Our expertise includes Premises Liability, Accident Reconstruction, Roadway/Highway, Construction/Architecture, Biomechanics, Industrial Hygiene, Toxicology, Exercise/Fitness, and 3D Laser Scanning. Contact us for a complimentary case evaluation: Malvern, PA (610) 296-2250; Cherry Hill, NJ (856) 324-8246; info@ces-experts.com or visit our website: ces-experts.com
Forensic Consultants of North America
PDI Silver Partner
Forensic Consultants of North America was formed by professionals who each have more than a decade of experience in the engineering and forensic consulting fields. Our experts come from a wide range of disciplines to meet your needs, including:
- Accident reconstruction specialists
- Architecture
- Civil and Structural engineers
- Electrical engineers
- Environmental engineers
- Fire origin and cause investigators
- Geotechnical engineers
- Mechanical engineers
- Occupational safety
- Vocational rehabilitation
Forensic Consultants of North America provides a wide array of experts including subrogation, origin and cause, accident reconstruction, bio-mechanical and human factors, event data recorder downloads, auto mechanical, auto total theft, mechanical engineering, structural engineering, and civil engineering, including highway design and roadway safety. We can assist with construction liability, construction defect, blasting/vibration, and hail investigations. We also offer toxicology, vocational experts, and forensic accounting. Also premise and security liability.
Phone: 610.398.0904 After business hours:610.972.3758
Fleisher Forensics
PDI Silver Partner
The engineering, automotive, architectural, veterinary and scientific experts at Fleisher Forensics specialize in construction, highway, premises, product and building failure analysis involving state and federal regulations, practices and standards.
Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.
Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc. is a worldwide provider of forensic consulting and technical services to insurance companies, law firms, corporations, and government agencies. Rimkus assists clients in the responsive and timely resolution of claims and disputes, as well as restoration design services, facilities risk assessments, and due diligence property condition assessments. For more than 35 years, the company’s team of professional engineers, architects, scientists, and technical specialists has been recognized for its commitment to service excellence by local, national, and international business communities. Rimkus operates more than 100 offices worldwide with a consulting network of more than 900 experts.
For more information, visit www.rimkus.com
Rudick Forensic Engineering
PDI Silver Partner
Rudick Forensic Engineering has been assisting the insurance and legal industries since 1965 by providing full service forensic engineering, damage investigation, failure analysis, building consulting, and expert witness testimony.
Robson Forensic
PDI Bronze Partner
Robson Forensic is a national leader in expert witness consulting, providing technical expertise across many fields within engineering, architecture, and science, as well as an expansive range of specialty disciplines. We provide investigations, reports, and testimony where technical and scientific answers are needed to resolve litigation.